var currentPlan = $.grep(plans, function(plan, index){
return plan.current;
<% if(showFeatureChange){ %>
var currentPlanFeatureCode = 0,
text = "";
var count = _hasMedia ? 1 : 0;
if(currentPlan.length > 0){
currentPlanFeatureCode = parseInt(currentPlan[0].featureCode);
_.each(plans, function( plan, key){
/*var featureCode = parseInt(plan.featureCode);*/
var downgrade = plan.downgrade,
isCurrent = plan.current;
if(!isCurrent && count++ < 3){
var unit = plan.featurePlan.substring((plan.featurePlan.length - 2), plan.featurePlan.length);
var disabled = (plan.featurePlanAsBytes < usage ) ? 'disabled' : "";
text = (plan.downgrade) ? "Downgrade Now" : "Upgrade Now";
text = (disabled !== "" && plan.downgrade) ? "Delete "+ parseFloat(parseInt(usage - plan.featurePlanAsBytes)/ Math.pow(1024, 3)).toFixed(1) + "GB of cloud content first": text;
<% if (showThreePlans && count == 3) {%>
<%} if(!showThreePlans && count < 4){%>
<%} else if(count < 3){%>
<% if(plan.featurePlanAsInt == '1024'){%>
<%}else {%>
<%=plan.featurePlanAsInt%> <%=unit%>
<%=plan.planName || plan.featurePlan %>
<% if(plan.featurePlan.replace(/\s/g,'') == '1024TB'){%>
- Unlimited storage of photos,videos
and files for upto 5 users.
- Automatic and comprehensive
backup of all photos and files on
phone and computer.
- Secure your important documents
and photos. Never worry about a
lost or damaged phone or
<% } else if(plan.featurePlan.replace(/\s/g,'') == '2TB'){ %>
- 2TB storage of photos,videos
and files for upto 5 users.
- Automatic and comprehensive
backup of all photos and files on
phone and computer.
- Secure your important documents
and photos. Never worry about a
lost or damaged phone or
<% } else if(plan.featurePlan.replace(/\s/g,'') == '600GB'){ %>
- Get <%=plan.featurePlanAsInt%> <%=unit%> of storage for one
user on one smartphone.
- Includes Free shipping on
Prints and Gifts.
<% }});%>