<% var sectionHiddenClass = "", bgClass = "", sectionImageClass = "section-image", headerClass = ""; var defaultAlbumArt = utils.Generic_thumbnail("audio"); if(_.isUndefined(data.models) || (!_.isUndefined(data.models) && data.models.length == 0)){ sectionHiddenClass = " hidden-xs hidden-sm"; bgClass = " bg-color-sec"; sectionImageClass = "section-image no-content"; } var totalCount = (data.totalCount) ? data.totalCount : 0; %>


Headset image goes here
<% if(!_.isUndefined(data.models) && data.models.length){ %> <% } else { %> <% if(!_.isUndefined(data.models) && data.models.length == 0){ %>
Settings image

Get in the Groove.

Upload some songs to always have your music album with you.

<% } else { %>
Settings image

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<% } %> <% } %>