List of TODO Items 1. Move contactAction menu options to another config json -- Vikash 2. Convert SVGs to sprites -- Vikash 3. Rename FileName/ClassName/Object to Right Convention -- Team 4. Add to group functionality partially done in Add / Edit / Details page. need to complete it. 5. CSS - Cleanup unused styles that doesn't have a parent selector "#page_contact.content". 6. Site Catalyst Integration Team 7. Capturing User navigation & Error Scenarios Team 8. Landing Page :- Server Call & Render Logic -- Mayank/Mayur/Vikash 9. Remove Preferred from Add/Edit Contact Screen -- Vikash 10. View Contact :- OnDisapper it destroy the view 11. Side bar is getting cut in group list or group detail page because of minimum height is not maintained. 12. Scroll is not maintained on shift selection. 13. What needs to done during Delete. We can't just the keep the pop up with button enabled. NOTES ********************************** 1. Error class usage for input boxes - Example usage in add / edit contact. Add "has-error" class in the parent wrapper. Then CSS will take care all other things <div class="col-xs-8 col-sm-6 validate-wrapper has-error"> <input value="" type="text" size="20" maxlength="20" data-validate="phone" class="form-control phoneTxt validate-field"> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-alert form-control-feedback" aria-hidden="true"></span> <span class="error-message">Error will go here</span> </div>